When Did You Realize How Big Of An Impact AI Would Have On Society?

In this episode, Amir takes us on a journey through his evolving understanding of AI's potential to reshape society. He recounts the pivotal moment when he fully grasped the transformative power of artificial intelligence and how this realization has shaped his work and vision.

Class Description

In this class, AI expert Amir Feizpour will guide attendees through the rapidly evolving landscape of Artificial Intelligence, drawing from his extensive experience as a researcher, entrepreneur, and community builder in the field. He will demystify key AI concepts, explore current trends and challenges, and offer practical insights on how professionals across industries can effectively navigate and leverage AI technologies. You will gain a comprehensive understanding of AI's real-world applications and potential future impacts, equipping them with the knowledge to thrive in an AI-driven world.


Amir is an entrepreneur and researcher at the intersection of artificial intelligence and knowledge discovery. He is currently building a "smart knowledge navigator (knowigator)" platform at Aggregate Intellect (https://ai.science) to accelerate knowledge discovery for R&D teams across various fields, with a particular focus on AI.

Artificial Intelligence
Toronto Metropolitan University
Founder & CEO
Aggregate Intellect